The student loan forgiveness almost certainly won't go through (although I hope it does since I specifically left $10k unpaid on purpose, paid off all the rest with my first bonus out of college). Oral arguments are scheduled for the end of February, the earliest ruling is expected to be around May/June. There have been a few good analyses of the jurisprudence of sitting Justices to gauge their likely rulings, and based on their past rulings on tangential cases it's very likely to be struck down 6-3 or 5-4. I wouldn't count on it.
Just based on what you've said - I hope your partner makes a lot of money. I don't see how you could ever get out from under $112k of debt on a ~$45k salary while also doing the things you mentioned (traveling, financing artistic pursuits, etc.). Contrary to what you've been doing, you should be doing everything in your power to max maximum payments now while the interest is paused rather than kicking that can down the road.
On the car front - it sounds like you need it for work, and there's an argument that it would be better to get rid of it now while it's a least worth a little bit that you could put towards a new car rather than wait til its totally worthless. You could do that, but my suggestion would be to start making a car payment of $300/month to yourself - take it out every month as if you were paying the bank. Do that until the car shits the bed. Scrap the car for $500 and use what you've saved up for a down payment. Buy a car under $10k. If you can get it to last two more years, you could have (24 * 400) + 500 (scrap value) = $10,100 to purchase a decent car in cash.