My (34F) boyfriend (36M) said he would want his kids to be light skinned

This might be a little blunt and im sorry if this comes out as rude but as someone who actually read your post about wanting to breakup with your boyfriend a month ago cause he keeps breaking up with you and getting back together I just wanna say girl you aren't going to leave him so whats the point of all the reddit posts? I think sometimes with relationship it gets to a point where you either accept the person you are dating for all their flaws you try to work on them or you leave. You know your boyfriend has a lot of flaws and add colorist to the list yet you still blindly want to follow him cause he "wants to get married and have kids" you know that marriage and kids don't magically make someone better right? I think you actually need to ask yourself realistic questions and have realistic answers.

/r/relationship_advice Thread