UofT Professor on Joe Rogan podcast yesterday discussing massive changes in Canadian laws. Joe said it was one of his best interviews.

I thought this was pretty thought provoking. Don't have much to add that hasn't already been said, except I disagree with his claims about Marxism and such. He says that many professors consider themselves Marxists, but is convinced that Marxism basically = soviet authoritarian communism and such that we saw in the 20th century. I just finished taking a class about Marxism and socialism at university, and it's a very broad category of very differing ideas. To suggest that all professors who say they're Marxist are advocates of Stalinism is a little much in my opinion. He doesn't seem to have a full understanding of the subject, unless he is actually suggesting that these professors are Stalinists in which case I think he's mistaken.

My political economics professor calls himself a Marxist for example, but is basically a democratic socialist that would support basically just NDP type legislation on income inequality and stuff. He certainly does not want to install an authoritarian regime or anything of that sort. Most people who say they're Marxists usually mean they tend to hold opinions that could be traced back to Marx and other thinkers of that sort, in the sense that they view the world largely through a lens that looks at the interactions between classes and the distribution of power through them. I'm sure there are some Marxist professors that want to install some regime for whatever reason. But most aren't like that.

/r/canada Thread Link - youtube.com