Update: I [16F] just discovered that I'm pregnant with my boyfriend of one year. I want an abortion, the thought of it brings me to tears.

Get to a hospital soon as you can, talk to your partner. It might be a miscarriage it might not be, unexpected bleeding is not good so get help straight away.

If it's what you fear remember it's not your fault and there is support out there for you. Here is one charity group i found, they have website with information to help you feel less alone during this tough time

PDF Why do I feel like this? • ‘ Shouldn’t I be over it by now? ’

• ‘Are my feelings normal ? ’

• ‘ Why do I feel so bad when others have suffered more than me?

’Women often ask these questions after miscarriage. But there are no rules about how you should feel. And there are no rules which say that some experiences of miscarriages are less upsetting than others. We all react in our own way.

Even if you didn’t really want to get pregnant , you may still feel very upset

A miscarriage is not a major event for everyone, but it is for many women – and men too. Most people are left with feelings of great sadness and regret. You might feel shocked and confused. You may feel angry – at fate, at your partner, at other women who seem to have no problems getting and staying pregnant.

You might feel guilty and wonder whether you have been responsible for your loss in some way (that’s very unlikely – see our leaflet Why me?). You may just feel empty and perhaps lonely. Some women lose confidence, feel stressed, panicky and out of control.

If you didn’t plan the pregnancy or if you didn’t want to be pregnant, you may find it hard to understand your emotions. You might feel completely different to the way you thought you would. You might feel a mixture of loss, relief and guilt.

/r/relationships Thread