Update to the Limo/Possible Escort Job. Thank you all for your advice, it turned out to be an "audition" for porn.

Ok this is MY FRIEND so obviously I want what's best for her but you're being really ridiculous and ignorant. Just because you Capitalize Something, doesn't make it more official. lol you cannot file charges against someone for "luring". Entrapment is something law enforcement does, not other people. The only charge that that could possibly be related to would be attempting to lure a minor. Fraud would be one legitimate charge I could think of, but there's no damages (to her. They're out 1400 bucks) and she wasn't hurt. At this point do you honestly think flushing these guys out and getting in the same building with them is a smart choice? To what end? To press charges for fraud for money you didn't lose? To sue for...being called a slut? Threats can't be just "you're an asshole I hate you I'll report you to the collections agency and tell everyone about this". Now if he had said "I have a gun and the next time I see you, I'll kill you", then ok, those are threats. As far as the job description changing, that's what's so predatory and disgusting about this, but she always had (at least as far as a court would be concerned) the job she applied for. They didn't tell her "you HAVE to do this in your underwear, you HAVE to do this film or we will kill you". They said, hey you owe us 1400 dollars, (here's where the verbal part matters. There's no proof, one way or the other, that the 1200 over the agreed amount was a gift or a loan. He could easily say "she promised to do the film for us if I upped the pay") and here's a way to make money and by the way, here's a list of flattering reasons why you should do it. It's predatory and despicable, it isn't illegal. Can you see why the police/"pressing charges" is not really helpful or applicable here?

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