What things money CAN'T buy?

  1. Money buys healthcare to make you live longer which is how you gain wisdom.

  2. I may have a passion for pissing on sketching by Degas, but I'll never know because I can't afford to explore that passion.

  3. I already have true friends.

  4. You can't get more peaceful than outer space and with enough money you can fund your own space program.

  5. I can get a hooker pregnant for pennies on the dollar and I guarantee you when that little bastard looks at its brand new BMW M5 on its sixteenth birthday, he/she will look at me with nothing but love.

  6. This is stupid, I can go anywhere I want in the world. The most beautiful place I can o now if Florida. Florida is not more beautiful than Norway.

  7. Hello personal trainer who keeps me from spoiling every work out by going to Stake & Shake. You know what's even better than the feeling you get after a long a grueling workout? Seeing the results.

  8. See Number 5. When in doubt, hooker baby.

  9. Do you have any idea how much it costs to shelter, feed, and care for a horse? Neither do I, but it's more than what it costs for a goldfish.

  10. Cocaine makes you feel alive, cocaine is expensive, lawyers to keep you out of jail for importing pallets of cocaine are also expensive. Nothing makes you feel more live than being declared not guilty when you're looking at life in prison for drug trafficking.

I rest my case.

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