[USA] Inatentive Driving Leads To T-Bon and Roll Over

Get a flag man, a dude with a red flag walking in front of you.

In a way, that's exactly what I do when crossing the pedestrian cross walks at stores.

I have a bright red reusable shopping bag that Whole PayCheck used to give out a few years ago when buying Thanksgiving turkeys.

I swing the empty bright red bag back and forth when crossing.

However, one time a driver was so absorbed with their phone that she didn't notice me in the cross walk. I spontaneously threw my empty bright red bag at her driver's window. That got her undivided attention and she instantly stopped. She had this horrified face. I picked up my bag and walked on.

Going back to the car, I walk with the shopping cart in front of me since no driver wants to smash their car on an inanimate metal object.

/r/Roadcam Thread Parent Link - youtu.be