[USA][OC] - Fender Bender in the Suicide Lane - Whos at Fault?

I almost got hit hard yesterday in this scenario except I did 100% legal, was pulling out of a grocery store parking turning left onto Main Street and coming out of parking lot the traffic in the right moving direction was stopped but drivers gave me room to drive through into the suicide lane going left so I can enter the road from suicide lane, however there was a driver speeding down the suicide lane trying to get to the intersection to turn left while everyone else was stopped and waiting, he tried to pull a quick one, I slammed my brakes and he swerved into oncoming traffic avoiding crashing into me, there was at least another 800 feet until the traffic light so he was clearly trying to save time by doing this illegally, I’ve got the cam video I’ll share later, I wasn’t able to see him because of the traffic but the way that street was, what he did wasn’t legal. So this definitely seems like the truck at fault but hard to tell where the sedan was coming out of

/r/Roadcam Thread Link - youtu.be