In the USA, there IS indeed a War on Christmas (figuratively speaking, of course)

Why does it have to be to that extreme, breaking into houses and tearing down trees, to constitute a "War on Christmas"?

And I don't think it's an isolated incident that people oppose the celebration or acknowledgement of Christmas in schools and workplaces, it's basically a universal attitude across the USA in liberal circles. And your comment itself suggests that it's preferable to use "winter holiday" in place of Christmas simply because there are people of all religions and backgrounds present. To me, that's an attack on Christmas. No one says such a thing for any other holiday of any other culture or religion. No one is trying to replace references of Diwali with "fall holiday". Only Christmas. So that's why people have a point when they say Christmas is attacked. If the phrase "War on Christmas" is too bombastic, so be it.

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