Valkyrie on PS4 is rly OP, you see marker hit too late, and your hero can't change stance fast

You can iframe it but if you can't react to it in the moment you can also see it coming and dodge early.

From what I see there are two playstyles that you sort of need to use intermittently. You have to be both reactive and predictive and against a Valk (or any class for that matter), but Valks become a lot more unpredictable since she has more mixups than the other classes, which is why a lot of people have trouble against her.

Her lights are actually slower than the Peacekeeper's. A peacekeeper's lights come in at 400ms and a Valkyrie's lights come in at 500ms. Currently most of the classes in the game have at least 1 light which hit at 500ms, for example: Lawbringer's top light. If shes hard to block on console that would mean every other class's lights must be hard to block too, so either we nerf every class's lights, or there's a delay caused by latency/framerate, or there's a lack of practice with the block timing.

It gets worst though if you play lawbringer, shugoki, nobushi or raider. They all have a guardswitch delay from 100ms to 200ms if the guardswitch is spammed too much. Youtube 'for honor guardswitch' if you want to know more about this shit it's a bug that needs to be fixed.

phew ok enough nerding for now, just felt the need to inform. All this to say this doesn't make her OP.

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