As a vegan, can we not do this shit

the PETA mindset.
And the cultism.

Some segments of vegans are like peta. It's not that they have empathy for animals.. theyre concerned about how their conjurded illusions of animal suffering makes THEM feel. So peta pushes to shut down animal rescues and pushes for euthanasia. These vegans want to take that service dog and have it euthanised. Have your pet killed. Because theyre slaves.. and we cant have slaves. We also cant having them millions of them wandering about those nice manicured vegan lawns. So exterminate them. And when we outlaw eating animal products? Well those billions of animals will have to be killed. Entire species.. thousands.. will cease to exist. You wont see animals in cities other than rats and pigeons. All those cattle, horses, geese.. goats. Killed .

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