Why Venezuela quit, the real reason.

Whether it's 100% fact for each player on the list I'm not too sure but I do remember speaking to the Vene people and getting told this is why you appearently quit.

Anyway, this game is pretty much dead now, cheating is pretty much accepted and it's one of the easiest ways to become relevent within the community, it's almost as if Admins don't give a shit about it either, multiple admins themselves cheated when they were players and that tells you alot about what the community feels about cheating.

Back on Shotbow, people wouldn't want you in the faction if you even xrayed/radar, now you're provided an autoclicker once you join the faction.

Some people spend money on clients, some do whatever they can to protect their reputation and deny at every occasion they don't cheat and they'd hold onto the fact that they were Top of LB and spend 6 hours a day cheating on a practice server and spamming chat about how they're Top of LBs or are the best.

Anyway sry for the bitchpost was on the phone so yeah

/r/hcteams Thread