Vestaria Saga: First Trailer (+Observations)

I'm tempted to say something like "inb4 'blah blah so good all hail Kaga Fates killed FE something something you all suck if you don't worship our Lord and saviour Kaga'" but that's really just an expression of my... exasperation? Rage? Dread? Angst? I don't know what I feel. It's negative, I'll give you that. Is it fanboy-ism? It must be, because I'm getting the feeling that people are just gonna start praising the hell outta Kaga and reject anyone who thinks that he's not perfect, and that just makes me feel bad inside because I don't think he's perfect, but I can't say why, because I'm a filthy casual who hasn't played Genealogy and doesn't know what it's like to play one of his games, so it must be blatant fanboyism towards the newer games, and I should be liking the old games and Kaga's later works, but I don't, which means I'm going to be almost outcast, and I almost feel like I deserve it for not liking his stuff, but there's no reason to feel that because it's okay to not like things, so long as you're not a dick about it, but what if you're a dick to everybody because you don't like his stuff, and you can't avoid it, and also because you're a filthy casual who hasn't beat Awakening on Hard-Classic yet? It makes me feel unwelcome to a community that I've been for a while, and that makes me feel like crap because I sorry of brought this on myself by not liking Kaga's stuff. But I know that this is all unreasonable because no one here is worshipping him, but I just can't help feeling like shit when all the sub regulars are ragging on AwakeFates for all that stuff, when I really like those games for what they are, but it just---

I... I should stop. I'm an idiot.

School is starting tomorrow. I guess I'm just a little high-strung.

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