Victoria To Lead The Way On Family Violence Leave

I've got to say, I am sick of hearing about 'Family Violence' night, noon and morning. I'm going through an acrimonious custody battle having discovered my wife was having an affair. She literally filled out a form at the Magistrates stating she was scared of possible violence and my very young child was taken from me and used as a very big bargaining chip. Two years and $100,000+ later, I still don't know when I can see him. Twelve years of marriage with no history of violence counts for nothing and the process is slow.

I thoroughly detest violence, especially stronger on weaker. I'm also thoroughly enlightened with respect to gender roles, probably because I grew up in the UK. All a woman needs to do in a divorce now is intimate that she feels that there is a possibility of violence and the guy is royally fucked. I'm not supporting any of those fuckwits who have hurt their kids, I'm just saying that with such asymmetry in the system as there is currently, it's not surprising that women will pull whichever levers are available to them to maximise their outcomes and retain unilateral parenting power.

Things have gone too far the other way because of the 0.001% of retards who have done unspeakable things. Even that woman who drove into the lake and killed a couple of her kids was getting sympathetic comments. Compare that case to the Farquhar idiot who drove into the river, we couldn't get a rope up quick enough for that guy. They're nearly identical incidents, just a different gender.

Gender equality has to work both ways. That clown at the tennis: all I heard about was how he had said Man A fucked Woman B and everybody is leaping to white knight Woman B. Why are we not leaping to the defence of Man A? They both had sex. Shock, horror, she may have even instigated it. Personally, if I were still a young guy, I'd prefer to live in a world where this might happen instead of a woman's 'virtue' being treated like a special flower.

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