So the Voat - Stormfront transformation is complete

Wow - I never even knew this movement existed! Good on them for standing up for themselves. Black on white violence is a REAL thing. Not only that - but research is coming out that if we continue forcing open our borders, Caucasians will be extinct in less than two hundred years. Forced assimilation is considered genocide by the United Nations.

If you're still having doubts about black on white crime....

According to data from the FBI Uniform Crime Reports, in 2009, “whites” — a category that includes Hispanics because of the way we currently conduct the census — were known to be responsible for 5,286 murders. Blacks, a mere 13% of the population, were known to be responsible for 5,980 murders. If you break that down by gender and age the statistics become even scarier. Approximately 7% of that population is male, and only 2% of that is within age 16-30. That means 2% of our population is conducting MORE crime than EVERY other group. In 2005, the New Century Foundation’s “Color of Crime”report found that “Blacks commit more violent crime against whites than against blacks. Forty-five percent of their victims are white, 43 percent are black, and 10 percent are Hispanic. When whites commit violent crime, only three percent of their victims are black.”

Also in 2005, the Department of Justice reported that one-third of rapes committed against white women (approximately 37,000) were perpetrated by blacks, while less than ten — statistically zero — rapes of black women were committed by whites.

  • Fact -- blacks kill 7 times more than whites kill.
  • Fact -- blacks kill whites 20 times more than whites kill blacks.
  • Fact -- blacks mug or commit group crime against whites 50 times more than whites commit against blacks.
  • Fact -- blacks rape white women 2000 (yes 2000) times more than whites rape black women.
/r/circlebroke Thread