The "I vote against my own interests" starter pack

here let me break it down for ya.

to control birth

they want abortion and birth control to be illegal therefore removing any choice there may be.

to control what you smoke

Are you talking about pot legalization? Because there is still not a lot of solid research on the benefits of legalizing pot. If we have to resort to legalizing drugs to boost our economy, what have we become as a country?

to have a large military

We're a large country; we need a large military. Duh.

to control marriage

What?! Conservatives want the government to be out of the marriage business altogether. Marriage is a religious institution with a clear definition.

to have a large criminal justice system

Not sure what you mean by "large" here, but if you think we should be taking the democrat route and give shorter sentences to murderers and rapists, that's your prerogative. Conservatives think it's a terrible idea to release these dangerous people back into society.

to have a large police force

More cops means more people protecting our neighborhoods and communities.

to control what bathroom you use

Honestly, this was never an issue until the Democrats went full nutso with their embracing of transgenderism as some kind of civil rights issue, instead of seeking to provide these individuals with the proper mental health treatment they deserve.

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