I have to rant about politics!

American media swings both ways, people who watch fox news excessively are mirrored by people like yourself, whom I imagine are feed a diet of 'vox, now this, huff post'. You are every bit indoctrinated as they are. Both seem to consistently miss the finer details. So if they're not a small minority, do you think maybe you are the ignorant one?

As far as people who you assume fear globalism/immigration and therefore will usher in a Canadian Trump- take a real hard look at how that happened. People in Canada are in debt, they feel they've been pushed to the side, likely will never own a home, can't start a family, etc. Then at the end of the day they read some shitpost like this and some kid calls them ignorant. The pendulum will swing the other way as it always does. You will be every bit as responsible for ushering in the next Trump.

/r/vancouver Thread