Walmart loss prevention stops shopper who paid for all her items and accuses her of theft.

I had a dude looked like this come up and grab my arm once as I was leaving a walmart, plain clothes (not that a security uniform would have changed anything) and demand I come with him. I pulled away in a considerably violent manner as I have no clue who the hell he is and he got reeeeeal hinky.

It was only then that he identified himself as loss protection. I had purchased a single box of 22 cal ammo that they make you check out back at the hunting counter. So I have a bag, with one item in it, and a receipt. He starts to give me a song an dance about why I didn't go through checkout... I pull out the ammo and the receipt. He gets pissy like this guy and goes completely buffoon unprofessional so I essentially call him a fuckwit and tell him I'll force feed him his teeth if he touches me again (he had started advancing on me)

Like magic there is a police officer behind me "what's the problem?" in a terse tone. I keep my mouth shut an allow the "employee" to talk, he stutters, so I interrupt bearfucker and quickly/calmly explain. Officer asks if I want to press charges, I say neh, he says enjoy my day, he remains and has convo with the preventer of turd burglary, I leave and go target shooting.

I don't go to Wally anymore really either. Could have turned really bad really quick and I don't deal well with unwarranted aggression/accusation from people with some warped sense of authority.

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