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I have a Primed Chamber from the informer event, but I'm having trouble finding a loadout that really compliments sniper gameplay.

I guess my goal is to be as adaptable as possible with one frame/loadout, building around my primary (Vectis). Since it's perfect for picking out stronger enemies and not much else, I need my secondary/melee/frame to cover the rest of the bases, like taking out fodder waves and providing whatever CC and utility I can.

As for frames:

I use Banshee a lot, but I feel that the bonus damage from Sonar is mostly wasted since most enemies are 1 shottable without it.

Limbo is an amazing sniper frame, but I struggle using him on large packs of enemies in interception or defense style missions. I'll admit I use him rather poorly, but I don't know if he has what I'm after.

I haven't played Valkyr enough, but she seems promising. I tend to ignore my guns with her and just slice people up, which is tons of fun but also why I don't think to use her much. Riplining to a high spot to snipe from is nice, and strong melee compliments a long-ranged primary rather well. She may be one of my top picks, honestly.

I like Vauban a lot. His abilities are all practical and have lots of "weird" uses that just make him so nice to have. My only problem with him is that I tend to panic easily, and he has no abusable immunities like Valk/Limbo (Embarrassing to say, but I feel so ashamed when I go down). It also seems like you have to be in the thick of things more often as him, since his abilities don't seem to throw very far.

I also gave Trinity a lot of thought but she just has to actively cast way more than I would like.

As for secondaries and melee, I've been defaulting to Atomos and no specific melee. What should I be working towards?

Sorry this post is so long and really identical to the question I posted last week. The Vectis is the most reliable thing in my arsenal and I want to cover it's flaws with the rest of my loadout.

/r/Warframe Thread