[WP] While out on a blind date you notice several people whispering and pointing at the two of you. You catch a glimpse of a televised emergency broadcast, and your date is plastered across the screen.

It's been som time since I last did this sort of thing. If I remember correctly it's been almost three years! But I mean, last time got really crazy. I couldn't possibly continue after that kind of heat coming my way. But now it's different. The whole things has been forgotten and I can finally get back out there.

I come upon her house and ask the driver to pull over. I pay the driver, step out, and take a big breath of courage. The walk from the driveway to her house was met with a powerful walk filled with confidence. Nothing could stop me now.

I take a last look behind my shoulder, just to check if i've been followed, and then ring the doorbell. A feminine voice, kind of childish, yells softly "Come in! Come in! I'm just putting on something sexy to wear!". Something sexy? I like the sound of that! I walk into the house. It's fairly big with plainlooking furniture. I walk into the livingroom. She yells from another room "I'm done soon! Take a seat on the couch!". The couch is does sound inviting. I take a seat, not really minding my surrounding, and lean back full with bliss. Soon I get to have the sweetest thing. Might aswell be efficient. I take off my pants and my shirt leaving only my underwear. I love these kinds of things. Just letting you be yourself.

After some twenty minutes I start to wonder whythis little godess is keeping me out here all by my lonesome? How long does it take to put on something "sexy"? Maybe it's just girls stuff. I lie down and accidentally turn on the TV as I lay down on the remote. The screen flashes on and I see what really looks like the livingroom where I am right now! Small world! People really are alot alike. Seconds later the camera pans over to the couch and I can see myself lying there, in underwear only, with a chubby going on. I sit up hastily. What the fuck is going on? And as I think that I hear a male voice coming from behind the couch "Do you know what you are doing right now?" I look around, frightened of what I might encounter. My chubby rapidly goes away, and what's left follows deep into the darkness. My lip starts quivering and tears start to well up as I look upon the face of Chris fucking Hansen.

ps. realized halfway through I had strayed from the actual WP. Don't judge me, I may be quite intoxicated.

/r/WritingPrompts Thread