If you don't take a stand against things you don't want it sets a precedent.

Years ago, before DLC was the norm we had expansion packs and demos. You could try a game before you bought it, it didn't have locked content on day one. And occasionally they might release a well thought out, well developed, bundle of extra features and content for the game. As time went on, developers explored new ways to deliver content, eventually leading to the current DLC model. We have years of accepting less and less for our money, they can get away with charging a fraction of the cost of an expansion. It may be $8 vs $20, but they only deliver on a tenth of the content. In addition, playing the game early has become a paid privilege. Pre-order early access, paid sponsorship "beta" access. Unfinished "early access" titles. Rather than being able to try a game for yourself, you're expected to watch gameplay videos, read reviews, bearing in mind it doesn't give you a chance to see if your hardware can handle the game well. And can often lead to spoiling story elements if you aren't extremely careful.

It decisions like these that have lead to the horrible place we're in now, where its not absurd to see a $70 game have $50 of additional content available at day one, and to also include micro-transactions within said game. Where developers are free to lie to the public and falsely advertise promised content.

Before this crimefest update, people had customized skins via mods FOR FREE. That has been taken away to be sold as a paid feature. On-top of that, by choosing to not participate, you are limiting your performance in-game, there are stats you can only achieve by spending an absurd amount of money gambling on safes. It doesn't matter if thats 1% better or 100% better, by accepting that mechanic you are opening the door to a future where the best gear is only available to people willing to shell out the most money, which is not what gaming is about.

Would you be OK with them selling heists or new weapons the same way? Where even though you pay them the money, you are not guaranteed to have access to the content because it is randomized? Its an absurd business model to support. And on the backend there is no difference to them, if they thought they could get away with it with minimal backlash, of course they would add RNG elements that make DLC more expensive.

Obviously its an overreaction to the situation, but if people just sit back and accept these shitty decisions they become the norm.

/r/paydaytheheist Thread