This Week in WTF: December 7-13

Happy Hanukkah! Today a GOMIer compared Carly Heitlinger to Anne Frank!

Whenever I read her blog (and it's not often anymore) I always hear the same voice in my head that I hear whenever I read the Diary of Anne Frank. Carly comes off like she's still searching for the meaning of things, similar to the way 13 year old Anne Frank reflected while living in an attic. Come to think of it, Anne Frank is exactly who Carly reminds me of. She's socially isolated just like Anne Frank became while living in the attic and she's just as pale and pasty looking as I imagine (because Anne Frank described how pale she and the others were becoming while living in the attic) Anne to have been and Carly's outfits always look like she's wearing some type of uniform and girly, teenage girly looking. I know it was mentioned before but after typing this, I can't see what about her OMGG would even find remotely sexy about her. This chick is in a desperate need of a make-over STAT!

What the fuck? First of all, how insulting to Anne Frank. She had more depth at 13 than most of us have in our entire lives and she's being compared to some lunatic who spends her days rStyling and bullying frozen yogurt companies on Twitter. Second of all, why are these people obsessed with Carly's sex life? Years ago when I joined GOMI and Carly's thread was getting started, people would talk about her relationship with Fred Castleberry, but they would usually cut themselves off at a certain point and be like, "It's not our business, we shouldn't speculate about their relationship on here." Now, it's the exact opposite. Every other post is "I can't imagine Carly and Garrett having sex." Well you talk about it enough that you must!

/r/blogsnark Thread