What was the strangest punishment your parents ever gave you?

One day my dad decided to build new steps for our mobile home. My 6 year old self didn't get the memo. I walked out the front door of our mobile home and fell about 3 feet and skun my knee. I was hurt and confused. My dad who was busy building the new steps for our mobile home got angry and took the time to stop sawing on a 2x6 and proceeded to bend me over the plastic blue trash bin and whoop me on the butt with the side of his buck saw. I was more ashamed than hurt. It's amazing how much shame a 6 year old can feel when his pants are pulled down in public for the entire trailer park to see. Crying in public always made me feel inferior too. Moreso to this day. I don't talk about this incident to my IRL circle of friends. Lord knows I can't talk to my mom about it. Her abuse was 10 times worse. My dad was a terrible person. I still vividly remember my mom coming home when I was 15 and telling me dad died of a heart attack in a pit while working on some wires (he was an electrician). I cried but I was secretly happy that he would never piss me or mum off again. We got 1k$ checks from his union until I was 19. I was just glad he was dead...

I will never forget losing my temper when I was about 14. My mother out of anger said I was just like my dad. I ran out of the house and slept in the woods that night. I am 32 now and completely financially independent but I would never dream of having kids. My relationships are complete shit as I won't even dream of being with a woman who will reproduce with me. Even to this day I am convinced that I am sick, my genes are somehow corrupted with my dads rage and i'm just a mistake. I will not put that shit on any children I could produce.

This cycle of madness ends with me.

Yes, I am an angry alcoholic but I refuse to spread this madness, It dies with me.

/r/AskReddit Thread