Weekly FI Frugal Friday thread - May 05, 2017

Here's my statement. I did a copy pasta from a phone note, so formatting might be a bit off, and I haven't looked at it in a few months, so it probably needs to be updated (thanks for the kick in the ass getting me to update it):

Investment Policy Statement

Objective: Retire by 55. Minimum to save for FI is $525K; RE is $952K. To do this, I'll have to consistently save $1300-1500 per month ($1500/mo at 7% for 21 years will put me at $955K).

Philosophy: Invest in index funds in retirement accounts. Save cash to possibly invest in real estate (passive income, power of leverage to wipe out loans), or to pay down student loans ($43,000 at 7.65%, $65,000 at 6.55%).

Aggressively paying down student loans might not be most financially efficient move, but might be required to signal to SO that I'm ready for marriage (main thing is to have a plan). Standard repay is $1800/mo. If I don't aggressively repay, then PSLF or refinance (get my weight up).

Asset Allocation: Going forward, 100% stocks. 50/50 domestic/international in 401(k) until I get to ______ across all accounts, 70/30 in 529, 100% VSTAX in Trad IRA (add a few bucks to Roth once it's sent to Vanguard, then buy VGTSX)

Funds and Accounts: VSTAX, VGTSX, Fidelity international index and s&p 500 fund (401(k)).

Target Allocation: VSTAX for taxable accounts, and VGTSX for Roth (contribute ~200 in 2017 to clear 3K hurdle)

Other: Contribute up to 401(k) match at minimum; aim to max IRA contribution (5500) while contributions are at 20%, then put at least 40% into 401(k); try to lower AGI as much as possible b/c loans. Remember: daycare and other variable expenses mean I should keep some liquid (so consider Roth).

Odds and ends: Roth IRA ladder to get to post-tax; when making calculations, account for Juice college, down payment, expenses for Juice, student loans tax bomb, child support, car expenses (gas, insurance, maintenance), and HEALTH INSURANCE.

Savings goals: - annually max 401(k) - down payment - student loan payoff - down payments for rental real estate - Juice college fund

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