Weekly Newcomer Questions, Support, Vents & Victories

Can medical trauma also be sexual trauma to me even if it wasn't actually sexual?

[TW medical trauma] I had a medical emergency at age 3 and they had to cut off my pants. I remember being really upset and people were trying to comfort me by saying we could get new ones but I think I was more upset about not being able to have them on and feeling exposed. There have been numerous times I've searched for sexual trauma, asking my parents many questions about changes in behavior, if I could've been alone around people, etc. Because I have a lot of signs of it but i never find anything. I know I have some later on but I had many signs before that. I have only recently started to accept that I have trauma that still effects me and that my psychiatrist is probably right about PTSD and only recently remembered this memory

most of my trauma is later on I just don't know if this incident counts

/r/CPTSD Thread