Weekly Replay Review Thread: Week 27

snow3 Nidalee 3/8/6 Lost

Pregame:This team comp is very good,its very central around picks.They have two huge threats,Udyr and Nasus.They both scale late game,and can negate you very easily.

0:46 You are not doing anything,that is bad,as nid u always want to lay 1-2 traps around their jungle for scouting,Nidalee can also act as a really good counter-jungler,so getting where udyr is starting is very key.

1:40 that trap placement was really bad,you needed to tank one extra hit for it to be sprung.Squishy and champions that has lackluster sustain cannot effort it. 1:49 That was a late smite,always smite ASAP,so you can get it up ASAP.

1:52 you should have turned human and kiting the remaining baby krug and move on,it doesn’t change anything as you still get the cougar form with the passive proc.But it does slow your clear by 1-2 sec

1:59 You are Nidalee,the first thing after Krugs is to aim wraiths,not only does it give you a healthier clear it also allows you to systematically get more income.Think about it,if you do red first your wraiths are just sitting there,and that could be a 100G and it will go on timer,after you done your clear,it should be up again,where as you could be waiting for that wraiths for extra 10 second.wasting time.

3:00 You saw Kassadin got a kill,they both burned ignite and you could have help kassadin mow diana even more by shoving mid,there was 7 minion in the wave,so you could have denied her 120G,also you are putting pressure on the mid lane,that may force Udyr to go mid lane.Its always important for junglers not to show themselves as they give up the unseen pressure to all lanes,but if he shows top,then bot can go full ham because they know that the jungler isnt there to gank.

3:52 you are walking the worst and useless gank path ever for mid,always go behind the laner,some people tends to ward there and if you stick towards the far wall,you could have snuck behind her,and that would have been a flash+kill 4:04 you blew her flash,so just walk away and look at mid lane.Flash generally has a CD of 5 min,so until 9:00 look at mid only. 4:09 Udyr shows top,there isnt much to gank bot,but with him top,his bot jungle is clear and you should always try to deny jungle camps from heavy scaling champions,(eg udyr+yi)

4:16 you are wasting time,theres no use coming top,nasus is still going to get shove and farm.The even better decision is to shove wave. 4:29 that ward was so garbage,i like that you are dipping in for a little check,so just always ward the bush by the wraith camp 4:35 that ward is not providing any vision and you are wasting time,top is useless, he won’t carry,its Nasus. 5:23 Just gank mid,because Diana still have no flash 5:38 Just go counter-jungle him,he is top again 5:47 to avoid the bush ward,as a thumb of rule always stick as far as possible and stick to the wall 6:32 They pinged that Udyr is coming so just prepare to counter gank not walk away 7:10 Udyr is down,Counter-jungle him 7:30 WHY AREN’t you backing.As a thumb of rule,The time that you need to b is 6:00-8:00.You have 1500G unused,that is useless gold and you aren’t bring any pressure 9:40 Why did you turned away,you should have stolen red and Krugs,you forced nasus to b and killed udyr,U always want to translate kills into objective and punish every single death they have 10:38 Just because you two are so turned on by diana that you didn’t realised that Udyr is mowing you two down,and you know that diana has her flash up,so you should not have done that play. 11:37 I like that you went for a small counter jungle,but always ward the wraith bush so you can track the udyr,u taken his wraiths he needs to scan it to clear it which is unlikely. 12:00 Udyr shows bot and Kass is going there for no reason,but you should drop everything and take mid tower 12:54 you see that wouldn’t happen if you just shove mid 15:19 Udyr shows mid ward his blue buff not that 15:38 always wait for your laners to initiate before going in. 17:48 you should have left kassadin as soon as he got binded,there is no way he could have survive and you have no point staying there 20:06 you should have disengaged after picking couple of kills 22:20 you got 2 picks and you got nothing out of it 25:00 They make so many mistake,but then you were in absolutely no power and damage to punish them and by that time the game is lost,You didn’t put enough attention onto Kassadin early on and you did not punish Diana hard enough early on for blowing her flash and playing so aggressive.

Overall:You did not play aggressive enough to punish Udyr,and you should have not placed a tiny bit of attention onto top,its very high risk because you need Darius to have enough damage for you to counter-gank and Darius wasn’t there.Bot lane and Mid should have been your focus,Ezreal with blue build and Kassadin should have carried,but you are putting not enough attention on to him. Your early clear is questionable,and you should back more frequently or you are just holding useless money.And when the time you actually go aggressive,the game is pretty much a lost.

Points to get: Your jungle clear should be Krugs->wraiths->Red->Blue->(gank)/wolfs You should punish their jungler when they show themselves and always try to secure vision in their jungle,its removes alot of pressure from laners. Always punish their laners if they blow flash and you need to determined how has the highest potential to carry,champion wise.I play alot of master yi and although i do play some volibear,I only play him when my bud is playing mid,because I know that he has good game knowledge and he plays carries like Zed Viktor Lux.But if not,I just play Master Yi because how much practice i have on him. Similar to you,you need more practice and you need to know when their jungler is showing you should always ward the opposite side of where he showed.


Msg me again if there are still some uncertainty

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