Weekly Replay Review Thread: Week 29

Hey! Just got out of a game, so I'll get right to it. This reply will be dedicated to the first part of the game. Timestamps are according to the video.

0:30 - The enemy team has a Nidalee jungle compared to your Olaf. In high levels of play, Nidalee is a contested pick as one of the best clearing junglers in the game right now. However, at lower levels, it is still commonplace to see Nidalee players ganking a lot early. Your problem here is poor wave management - by autoattacking minions early, you're making the wave push and endangering your future self in the process.

0:43 - Zed outdamages and outmaneuvers Lee Sin early... if Zed can avoid Lee's Q. Your problem here is predictable movement - by going up to CS and not paying attention to Lee Sin's movement, you failed to avoid Q and took a bad trade in the process. If you had let the CS go, or used erratic movement, you'd have escaped it. See, in order to avoid skillshots, you should 1) stay behind minions, and 2) move erratically as your minion meat-shield dies off.. If you move erratically, the enemy cannot predict where you will be.

1:10 - this is purely game knowledge and mechanics - early on, Lee Sin has super high cooldowns. That's why he's a more popular jungler than laner - due to those cooldowns, huge windows of opportunity exist. If you avoid his Q, it's a great idea to go in like you did, but you could have done so earlier while he was on the wave. If he hit you in such a scenario, 5 casters would be repeatedly hammering on the level 2 Lee, which would potentially drop his health to dangerous levels. Then, you need to focus on predicting where the enemy WILL be in 0.75 seconds when firing Q rather than where they are. If all else fails, shoot it where you don't want them to be and it will zone them to where you DO want them to be, and you can attack more.

1:28 - The moment Lee's Q lands on you and it's clear he's going in, you should let him activate it and then flash backwards. This forces him to take tower shots and, if he flashes or safeguards out, you can follow up with shadow+ignite+Contempt and kill him. Don't underestimate your damage and mobility early!

1:50 - Lee Sin has just placed a ward before his wave pushed in. What do you do? a) Ask your jungler to gank, since evidently mid is not warded and he's pushed up. b) drop back just out of tower range. c) bait him into a confrontation, and save your shadow for after he uses his 10 second cooldown safeguard, so you can beat him with little or no consequence.

You did none of these things! You sat back, let him Q you, and then wasted shadow to try to get a little damage on him after he procced thunderlords and got out. You have to be confident, but still careful. If he places a ward, he's setting something up.

2:15 - I like this, I really like this. The moment he used his Q, you went in for a confrontation you knew you could win, and Lee didn't keep track of his waves and hence didn't attempt what would have been a successful escape. This is a great exploitation of his weaknesses and netted you a kill with no disadvantages on you beyond going back.

3:00 - You've gone back. From what I see, you have 750 for Serrated Dirk, 75 for a pink ward, and 150 for health potions. This adds up to 975 on the items you took. Though I do like getting dirk, as a Talon main, I can't help but think your money would be better spent on a pickaxe and 2 health potions. It's a bit too early in the game for pink wards - you don't know who is going to have control of the map yet, and should wait for 2nd back to buy it. You can build the pickaxe into a Tiamat, which has high cost-efficiency, a little HP regen, and the great active which helps with clearing waves AND getting more DPS during your full combo - adding an entire extra autoattack, perhaps two, to your ultimate's damage. Youmuu's rush is fine, but when you can, you should go Tiamat, then Youmuu's. You really shouldn't be getting duskblade until later on in your build when you have the damage to support its passive effect.

3:25 - This sucked. Using your shadow for poke is almost ALWAYS a bad idea - it's a gap-closer and an escape with extra perks for your full combos. On top of that, you had a super delayed Q that wasn't even near Lee. Work on your aim!

4:30 - I also don't like farming with your shadow, especially while you're overextended. You open yourself up to ganks by killing your own mobility.

4:43 - pffffft

4:45 - You could have saved the shadow and gone over the Krug wall, but I suppose you just wanted to widen the gap.

5:16 - It's an acceptable application of your shadow-farming, I'll give you that, but after Lee used his Q, you had a plenty large opportunity to go in on that with the shadow you placed for farm. At this point, he is NOT LEVEL 6! If you ulted him, it was practically a free kill.

5:30 - work on your poke. Seriously. One thing is that you shouldn't try that poke-burst-thunderlords combo, especially if that shadow doesn't land DIRECTLY on the enemy champion, because you waste energy. You expose yourself to ganks or even just Lee safeguarding in. He can get in, beat the shit out of you, proc Thunderlord's, and get out before you have your Q up again.

6:08 - Well played, but you really need to pay attention to his cooldowns. If you had played that poorly, you very well could have, and should have, died. The ignite+tower is a deadly combo, and when Lee can put you into both, you need to get out of that situation ASAP.

6:25 - I think I figured out your problem. Either 1) you're not using smartcast, or 2) your mouse is too low on sensitivity. You need to be operating your skillshots more smoothly, especially on completely stagnant minions.

9:32 - Risky pink ward! The jungler often passes through this brush, and this is a common place for wards. I'd recommend a bit more important, a bit more secure, or a bit less popular area to place it.

10:00 - This roam is late! I can't stress it enough, you have to predict action, not respond to it. You're way too slow, especially with no boots, to just respond. This one worked out because Tristana did a total teamkill. You then proceed to die because you don't bother with map awareness. Possibly still hopped up on adrenaline from that great double, you forgot to check and see if Lee was missing. He will take the same path that you take. Take a detour and avoid enemy roamers.

11:40 - I don't think you've hit a single double-shuriken all game. Why do you keep wasting energy and giving yourself openings to deal no damage?

12:03 - YOU HIT ONE! :D

12:30 - This is some OK pushing. I have one BIG problem with it.

You have very little bot side vision. Due to this, even with you trading tower for dragon (an acceptable trade), you could easily get ganked and utterly destroyed by the moderately fed Nidalee and Tristana.

12:48 - ...See?

12:52 - Shit, man, that was good use of your invulnerability and the fact that you appear behind them. Good counterplaying, that 1 for 1 trade was not bad.

13:10 - What the fuck was Jhin trying to do against Lee who has an 8% missing HP execute ability on what is now a very low cooldown?

16:38 - You wasted a cooldown and you were punished for it, and your reflexes weren't good enough to ult him as he dashed.

18:18 - Your lane opponent is MIA and your Jhin is super overextended and alone. Meanwhile, you take top lane Krugs. You need to see what's going on on the map far more than you do.

19:05 - boop

19:10 - Your lane opponent is missing, you have no idea where 2 of their team members are. What do you do? Facecheck the brush nearest to where you just killed someone who probably called for help?

20:00 - it's past 21 minutes into the game.

You have... 118 CS. That's around 6 per minute, which is atrocious, especially for someone with a last-hit-handicap like Zed. You need to be more careful with your farm. Go into a few custom games and practice it, no runes, no masteries, just autoattacking minions as they're about to die until you can get 85 of them in 10 minutes, 200 in 20. Bot side map control, where dragon is, is approximately negative for you. You need to help your bot laners that have been smashed by the enemy jungler all game. You're powerful enough that you can get some kills on the immobile Jhin adc.

22:28 - It's a hard choice, but I think you shouldn't use ult for mobility in this situation.

23:25 - DODGE IT! Nidalee spears are slow projectiles, you have the capacity to dodge. Just work on reflexes and you're good.

24:04 - You just stepped to a point where your teammate was between you and Lee Sin. You have to predict all of Lee's skillshots - including the one that shoots a motherfucker into another motherfucker.

24:22 - At this point, Tristana E is on you, RESISTANCE IS FUTILE BEEP BOOP and when you CAN flash away from a Jhin, flash slightly to the side. The longest range non-ultimate spell in the game is a thin skillshot with a delay and a mark ahead of time. Chances are, if you flash a little to the side, he'll shoot at where you were and fail.

25:00 - Your teammates are locked in a stalemate bigger than the Cold War, your response should not be to go slap the 2/10 Yasuo in the face a couple times and walk away.

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