Weird flex!

I was raised in a house where my parents waited till marriage. I always thought it was the way to go but then realized my parents were toxic examples of it as i got older. It ultimately ended in my mom cheating when my dad decided he would not be having sex with her anymore because she didnt verbally abuse us like he did. It was a fun argument to hear. She found someone to fill that void while she waited patiently for my brother and I to become old enough to be able to choose the house to stay at rather than force us to be alone with him due to the courts. Does that mean i shit on virgins? No. Does your comment make me suddenly think its the way to go? Still no. What matter are that two people got married that are ready to grow and be together and work together as one to make a family of 2 or more. Virginity doesnt matter that much in marriage but can be an extra means to bond since it is beautiful when two people are each others "only" it is very charming IMO. what matters in a marriage is setting ego aside and communicating.

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