We're Moving all Lottery-Related Posts to the MMCorp Public Subreddit

There is absolutely no need. 99% of the posts about mmcorp were complaints about there being to many posts on the topic. The problem was created by the people who made a big deal about it. If anything, when the game is updated/reset/whatever for next season we should start with a fresh subreddit where we won't have people campaigning against some of the most beneficial and contributing members of the community using multiple accounts to make their opinions look like they are supported. It bothers me that certain parts of the community have grown so toxic and are attacking others. It's very few people and I won't call anyone out, but I will ask what was wrong so wrong with seeing one post every day or so that someone had to start a witch hunt. Most of the posts now are new people looking for advice, scam alerts, and people being told to go to other subs. Often times I see people looking for advice being told to go figure things out themselves. Since when did the community become so busy that we can't help each other or even scroll past a post or two that we might not want to read. There are still a few great members who are making the community a more positive place, but now it seems like we are running them off to. Maybe I'm alone in thinking this and maybe I'm wrong and most of us do want to see a change, but I liked seeing posts where people were buying and selling packs and posts where people had great pulls in pro packs. Now it seems like there is little diversity in the posts and not many new posts each day. I used to be able to read the first page or two then have a completely new set of posts in the next hour or two, but now it takes almost a day. To me it's sad to see the corporation go. Maybe the changes I'm seeing are just players leaving the game since the season is over, but I still think we could keep this sub together by not running people off and instead looking for ways to solve problems within our sub. Since I'm losing my train of thought I'll stop here but I hope we can go foreword by being supportive of one another instead of just drawing lines and pushing people away.

tl;dr: What happened to our beloved community?

/r/MaddenMobileForums Thread