Were you Surprised????

Yes, I definitely was. Even though I knew right from the beginning that Graves will be, what I thought, sort of an antagonist - my comment to my friend when he showed up was "look at his nazi haircut and black leather coat though - he must be a bad guy, why is it always that obvious?" So I wasn't surprised to find out that he didn't have a good relationship to the protagonists. Also, I found his meetings with Credence only supported the bad guy thing because to me, it looked like he planned something behind the president's back. From the moment he showed Credence the Deathly Hallows sign until the end, I was convinced that he was only a Grindelwald supporter. The speech at the end then left me wondering if he was sent by Grindelwald as a spy or if he was a important person in the movement but the moment Newt cast the "Revelio" I knew that he was Grindelwald. I was shocked because did not see this coming at all but tbh, I was really disappointed that Grindelwald was made part of the movie. I might have to add that I stayed out of the fandom for the most time so the only information about the movie I had before seeing it was the trailer.

/r/harrypotter Thread