What alternative revenue stream would you suggest Bungie adopt instead of Eververse ?

I personally think if they scaled down the RNG on Eververse dramatically, eliminate bright engrams entirely or make them have better guaranteed drops, they'd make even more money on silver purchases. Or go all in on reworking the engagement economy completely, eliminate Eververse exclusives and add them all to the activity loot pools and just make it so they can be direclty purchased with silver/bright dust instead of grinding for it.

Right now they're raking in cash from casuals and whales but if they did some tuning along the lines of the above they'd bring in a lot of $$$ from the longtime hardcore players. Although it might simply be too late for that particular income stream, as many of those players have sworn off Eververse for good and/or are ditching the game entirely. If Eververse hadn't tainted itself from the get go it could be a very different scenario.

/r/DestinyTheGame Thread