What is an immature opinion that young adults often have that prove they are not quite grown up yet?

Not necessarily young adults, as I've seen fifty year olds do the same, but...

Base thuggery.

I'm a rather gentle sort really, and my temper burns quick and fast when actually riled (enough that I'm utterly knackered after being angry). I wouldn't impose on someone else's doings unless I had a good reason to. They have no business in my deeds, and I have no business pushing my deeds upon them without cause.

I maintain a gentle degree of separation between me and the world.

And this is good.

But many young people appear to enjoy getting in others grill for stupid reasons.

I've been threatened with bodily harm for talking with someone's girlfriend about a superhero MMO she was curious about.

I've had a local boxer grab me when I replied to him that I had never heard of him though I will google him later.

I've been barred entry from a publically accessible room that had no issues by an idiot on a power trip who knew I wouldn't deem it acceptable to hurt him for denying me entry and being too ineffective to do much more than to stare at him until he got freaked out.

My policy in life is to do my best, keep a safe distance and a level of control over all I interact with, and ensure that when I pass from this world, my deeds will outlive me.

But people... Goddamn people. The world seems intent on being hostile to me on the flip of a coin, and people keep bringing me their issues and problems, and I can't physically care for everybody I meet or my empathy and drive to be the best person I can be will shatter with the weight.

/r/AskReddit Thread