What are examples of ‘being picked last in gym class’ as an adult?

Late to the party but your story reminds me of my own. Never shared this before but here goes.

Was spending New Year’s Eve with my two best friends and their partners. One of the couples was soon to be married.

We all arrived and exchanged greetings and as we were sitting down my friends fiancé made a huge deal of the fact that my other friend had been asked to be a groomsman. There was hugging and shouting and congratulating.

This was how I found out that the groomsmen had been chosen and I hadn’t made the cut. I had to spend the rest of the night alone and wallowing in my own sense of rejection as wedding plans were being discussed.

I’m still very close with everyone involved and I understood that there was only so many spots and someone was going to be left out. I just felt it would have been nice to be told that in a way that didn’t crush my feelings and ruin my night.

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