What are life's small, simple pleasures?

As far as the false rapes and pedophiles thing goes, it's not really the frequency, but the severity of the thing that has people riled.

I'magine that you're a college student, hanging out at a friend's dorm It's getting late, so you say your goodbyes and head home. You have a nice walk home, and you're pretty busy the next week, so you don't see your friend, but you have a number of pleasant text conversations. The next week rolls around and you're told to come in for a disciplinary hearing. It seems someone stole something from your friend's apartment last wednesday, and you've been implicated. You are not allowed legal counsel. You are not allowed to ask any questions about your friend's story. You are not even allowed to present the log sheet that shows you were at the campus tutoring center during the time your friend says the theft ocurred. The guidlines allow the complaint against you to be upheld based on only a preponderance of evidence, and so you are thrown out of your dorm and must find lodging elsewhere.

I'm not exaggerating, by the way. There are actual universities that are handling rape claims with a hearing process that does not allow the accused legal counsel, the opportunity to question the accuser or their story, or even the opportunity to rpresent evidence of their own innocence. And the whole thing is based on

Or, imagine your coworker decides one day to tell everyone that you broke into his car and stole an envelope of money. HR releases your name and tells everybody about the inquiry, and everyone gossips for weeks until it turns out from the secuirty camera footage that you're innocent after all. But It's too late, and your coworkers don't really trust you anymore. The scandal also overshadowed that meeting you had with the management and now you're not on the big, career-advancing project that's starting up.

Every day, people's names are released when nothing more than an accusation has been made. Their reputations are completely shatterred, long before any conviction has been made, and all in the name of Justice.

So what people are worried about is not so much "the womens are reporting false raes! stop these terrible people!!!!" as it is "Accusations of rape are currently treated like an immediate conviction, and perhaps our criminal justice system should be more nuanced".

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