What are the odds the US is covertly funding Venezuelan opposition forces?

Yes, they are just like Seattle Anarchists.

In retrospect I suppose I chose my words poorly.

Caracas is currently the most dangerous city in the world, of course there is gun crime, but the overall footage you see of the protest (and for what is worth, my personal experience being part of them since I was a student up until 2014), is that firepower from the opposition is not prevalent at all in this conflict... If so, you would be seeing a far bigger death toll this far.

I'm not making excuses, I wish there was no violence at all, but I'm saying that if the majority of the opposition was well armed, you would be seeing the airing of juicy firefight footage 24/7, instead of a bunch of people with make-shift shields throwing stuff and resorting to this demeaning kind of thing.

The original point I was admittedly poorly trying to make is that if the insurrection was being funded and propped by the US, as it is inferred in this post, you would be seeing high caliber armament, as you tend to historically see in these cases. They burned the Supreme Court, (in an act of rebellion for the institutions that people percibe they were betrayed buy) probably with molotov bombs or plain ol' gasoline. There were no bombs or bazookas.

Maybe you'll see them shortly... Who knows? But at the moment that's not the case.

Here's the deal neither Maduro, nor the opposition command anywhere near majority support among the Venezuelan public.

Honestly, we don't know that for certain, on either side. There is basically no free press in Venezuela, and because on one end people fear losing their benefits if they speak badly of the government, and on the other people may want not want to voice that they still support the government, even in the event of an impartial organization conducting a poll, that fucking Bradley effect must be fucking sky-high.

Now this is probably my own bias thanking, but I find it hard to believe that when the average Venezuelan has lost 19 lbs because of the lack of food, they're still overwhelmingly supporting the government

And neither offer a route out of the crisis. Neither is a democratic force.

Sadly True. But I don't know that there's any recourse left. In 2014 they imprisoned opposition leader Leopoldo Lopez for "Inciting Violence", after giving a speech inviting people to a pacific march. They condemned him to 14 years. This year Maduro has dedicated to dismantle the democratically elected National Assembly. Now he's gonna modify the constitution.

I wish there was still a democratic ray of light at the end of this tunnel, but after a decade of being in this shit, I honestly don't see it anymore.

Im terrified, my family is still there... But it seems clear to me that the government is either gonna double down, fake a coup and suspend all guarantees and go full on Dictatorship... or... he'll I don't even know what the alternative is. I don't think the insurrection will be successful, not unless the military turns on the government.

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