What are some crazy ex stories you have?

I went on a few dates with someone but decided it wasn't going to work out for me. They were upset but whatever. Went to a show some time after and got a text from them afterward basically like "i saw you at the show" and I just said yeah, I saw you too, people go places (like what the hell am I supposed to say to this?). A few more random texts like this happened, just random shit about their life or whatever and one time they thought they might have seen me at another show which I didn't attend, until I just stopped coming up with polite replies and didn't respond. The last two times this person contacted me was a text out of nowhere that just said "AND FUCK YOU TOO WHILE I'M AT IT" followed by the next day their request to crash on my couch "for a couple of weeks" while something got sorted with their moving in to a new apartment. I obviously declined but holy shit. Very light on the crazy spectrum but enough to make me worried about how far they were going to go lol.

/r/AskReddit Thread