What are teens today not ready to hear?

I graduated high school in 2009, at the tail end of an economic collapse, one not so different than you're graduating into. Let me tell you one thing I know from friends I've seen soar or dive; it's okay not to know what you're doing, just as long as you're doing something.

When I say "doing something" I don't mean going to college because it's what you're supposed to be at in your life. I mean DO it, throw yourself into something and strive at it. If you want to try and make your hobby a job, go for it but work your ass off. Do you want to just travel? Do it, but really explore the places and don't just take pictures. Do you just need cash? Find jobs that enrich you and give you skills, don't just take what you're most comfortable in. The friends who have the most life satisfaction were the ones that DID things after high school and not the ones that just drifted into the unknown and found somewhere to come ashore.

/r/AskReddit Thread