What are the wellness perks of your training programme? #shouldvedoneUSMLE

This is exactly what destroys my soul as an F1. My GF is a resident in America and before starting F1 I stayed with her.

Oh my god, every weekend they all meet up and have a BBQ or some event that is fully catered for by the hospital. They get free gym memberships, huge food stipends, get to take over the left over food - so no food expenses at all.

The culture in the NHS literally ruins the whole field. Nobody gives a fuck about anyone, the hospital never throws any events, we don't even get a jersey or anything saying Dr XXXX Foundation Year 1. Hell I don't even have a fucking ID badge yet, i've been TEMP 572347242 since I started.

The saddest part is we don't even work with our (Year level) colleagues and i've been discussing this with my MGs, there's almost no camaraderie because you basically don't know each other until someone steps out and organises an event.

/r/JuniorDoctorsUK Thread Link - reddit.com