What are your "me" shows?

There's this thing about Breaking Bad. I fucking love it. I mean I don't think I'll ever find anyone who loves it as much as I do.

It's not just how the show's entertaining, it's also the deep philosophy behind it, the depth, emotion etc.

I'm generally a very poetic person myself so Breaking Bad's basically my wet dream. I mean I think about Breaking Bad while on long drives and tear up; thinking of Jesse's fate and what he's up to and how he's doing.

The fucked up thing however, is that I've become possessive about it. I feel like I'm the only one who likes it that way that no one else ever will. No one else will be able to look at it from my poetic and deep perspective.

I judge the cinematography, acting, drama and everything. Admire absolutely everything about it.

I don't recommend it to anyone, anymore. I feel like other people won't be able to experience the ride like I did; that they won't get the full potential the show exudes.

Most people who have watched it may have different opinions on Walter White's philosophy and emotion. For example, Walt was a dickhead to Jesse and everyone, but despite all that I truly believe he loved Jesse. People saying stuff like "He saved him in the end cuz he felt like he owed him." That kinda pissed me off.

Yeah he did, sure he owed him. but there's definitely more. If you've watched the show properly then you'd realize the emotional depth behind their relationship.

Plus there's a bunch of folks who hate it because it's too slow for them. I'm okay with that. It means they don't like slow shows with intense drama. That's why I don't recommend it. I don't want more people hating on it.

There are only a few people who see the depth behind it like I said.

Then there's Better Call Saul. I kinda feel like if you didn't like Breaking Bad then you don't have the right to watch Better Call Saul.

Yeah I'm that possessive.

People occasionally ask me if they should watch Better Call Saul and I'm like "Naah, you didn't like Breaking Bad you probably won't like Better Call Saul."

Sure that's a dick move. Anyone can watch it, but I take the whole Breaking Bad universe situation quite personally and seriously.

Not very unusual I guess. Potter heads are the same way about Harry Potter, exploring and intense amount of depth behind it, be it emotional of philosophical.

/r/television Thread