What aspect of a movie (plot, character, etc) does not sit right with you?

OK. So I'm not sure if anyone has seen the movie "Halloween town" but… It's not going to win any awards. It's got nostalgia for me and I always watch it every Halloween with my best friend. We have since it came out. The part that gets me angry is that the mom decides that she is going to raise her children as human. And so Marnie, her 13-year-old daughter, is on the last Halloween before she loses her powers. The mom is completely willing to let her daughter become powerless because the mom has issues with her own mother/the grandma.

I always get annoyed with this sort of thing, because it feels so cruel in ways that are unspeakable. To strip your child of their heritage because you're uncomfortable with having to deal with that sort of thing bothers me. Which I think stems from the fact that I'm adopted and I feel cheated out of knowing my biological sisters because my birth mother and father were uncomfortable with the idea of keeping the open adoption, well open.

But I was watching the movie and I just had to take a moment away from it because the mom struck me as just a terrible person. I feel like she would've been more at home with Petunia and the Dursley clan. Which I'm sure was not the intention of the movie but damn I hate the mom from Halloween town.

/r/AskReddit Thread