What has been your worst encounter with law enforcement?

I considered posting this on a throwaway but here goes. After 2 years of pent up anger and frustration I decided to report a close family friend for sexual assault. I went to the station and asked to speak with a female officer. I was an emotional mess and couldn't stop crying and she was highly unempathetic and said there was nothing she could do because of reasons that I don't want to disclose here. I wasn't concerned with her lack of empathy because I get that she's law enforcement and has no place in comforting me. I was fine with it.

What irked me was the fact that eventually she decided to handcuff me and take me to a psychiatric facility. Once again I held nothing against her as she was just doing her job. The issue I had was with the rules regarding how to deal with situations like mine etc.

Now the issue that I had with /her/ directly was that she grew impatient with me (she audibly sighed when I asked to please wait until my parents left the station before she transported me, handcuffed, to her vehicle. I didn't want them to see me like that. She also lied to me and said they were gone when they weren't lol), and treated me as though I was an immediate danger to myself, despite her having patted me down and handcuffing me etc... I'm a fairly average sized girl and I was in jeans and a t-shirt. I also told her my handcuffs were too tight, she placed her pinky between them and said they were fine. I ended up with bruises on my wrists from the car ride

The only comfort I felt was when an office worker/intern/someone who wasn't an officer offered to bring me tissues since I'd been sitting there waiting and crying for 30 mins without any, lol

That was the only direct experience I've had with law enforcement and needless to say I don't trust them anymore. Being treated like that after making a report of sexual assault, I feel like I have no way of knowing how they would react to anything else that I decide to go to them for in the future

/r/AskReddit Thread