What do you believe, but cannot prove?

Yea. You just wink out. I had a ruptured aneurysm earlier this year. It felt like someone shot me in the head. And my body certainly knew it was dying as I went into shock. I had 30 lucid minutes where I knew what had happened and that I was in all likelihood already dead. Because I was alone, I used that time to say good bye in my heart to everything and everyone that I loved. At first the experience was profound and loving as I said goodbye, and then I was filled with a bottomless despair as I thought about never seeing my child or parents again--for eternity; only to be cut-off by confusion, haze, disordered thoughts, someone asking me annoying questions and then nothing. Say Good Night, Gracie. It was that scary and easy to just wink out of existence. Three weeks later, I was lucid enough to pick up where I left off--"I'm still here!"

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