What is the best loophole that you've ever found?

When the very first raid for Destiny "Vault of glass" had a way to "cheese" atheon to kill him and knock him off the map without having to do much and get the Vex Mythoclast, I remember my dad telling me to turn the game off and go to sleep because I had been playing all day long trying to knock him off the edge with a warlock team mate and back then it was hard as fuck! It took many many wipes to complete not like it is now where they throw some adds here and there jerk you off and give you the gun then stick a dildo up your ass and make you buy content that should of already been in the game This was when destiny was at it's prime, literally so I spent about 16 long ass hours doing this bullshit and when we finally got him knocked off the map i remember I got a fucking shader and the dumb noob of our group who wasn't doing shit got the mythoclast I was pissed lmao cuz that gun was a legend in PVM and PVP not very many people had it and to see it meant someone killed atheon and was looked at like a God but the game ran itself into the ground and I stopped playing but damn when it barely came out it was the best game, there was a cheat for everything lmao I spent days farming engrams from the old OG earth cave just sitting still shooting at the cave every time adds spawned then they patched it after year 2 kids started jumping on the game after seeing it really was cool then bungie took a big ass shit on everyone and it was gay after about 2 years, so many memories in one game.

/r/AskReddit Thread