What does everyone need to calm the f*ck down about?

I lived next to a Jehova's Witness family for 10 years. They were the kindest people, always friendly, had some weird progressive ideas about teaching their toddlers about sex but other than that, nothing seemed weird with them, I never even knew they were Witnesses.

One day, for the sixth year in a row or so, I saw her in the street and said "oh, hi, merry Christmas by the way!" and she said "happy holidays" back. I thought "huh, wait?" and it clicked in that moment that for some reason they don't celebrate Christmas. I asked her "Wait - do you not celebrate Christmas specifically?" she explained it to me, what she believed and what she (didn't) celebrate, but then she said: "I just never thought about pointing it out because you're not really wishing for me to celebrate Christmas, you're wishing for me to have a good day, and intentions matter more than words."

/r/AskReddit Thread Parent