What was the biggest fuck up in history?

Sounds like Mao's farming ability matches Hitler's long-term strategic planning. Edit: Seems like some folks are missing the joke, which is that Hitler was awful at long-term strategic planning. 2nd edit for the people who don't know history: The Blitzkrieg (Hitler's one strategic success story) was invented by his generals, not Hitler himself. Hitler was a strategic moron - he ordered the Luftwaffe to stop bombing RAF bases in order to hit British cities, which allowed the RAF to stage a come-back and Britain to hold firm, providing a staging ground for D-Day. Then he attempted to invade the USSR in a single summer - a colossally stupid move, as any stupid of the history of war will tell you (ask Napolean). Not only was the USSR far larger than Hitler calculated, he underestimated the ability of USSR brass to sacrifice lives willy-nilly to slow the German assault, and didn't plan on any winter clothing for his troops (which would have been necessary even if the invasion had been successful - otherwise how would he occupy the terrain?). Then there's all the stupid crap with Rommel running around in northern Africa for no real reason - not much strategic gain, and while Rommel was a genius, it was a waste of his potential to have him in an area where he wasn't needed. In short, Hitler thought of German forces as invincible, and had no idea what their limitations were. This caused him to make repeated over-extensions and to over-estimate the destructive ability of his troops. Had he exercised some patience, let the Kremlin be, and focused on consolidating his early gains, he could have finished off Britain, helped Italy in northern Africa, and created a unified German Empire across the vast majority of Europe.

/r/AskReddit Thread