What is the "butterfly effect" event of your life?

One night in college, I got punched in the face and got a black eye trying to break up a fight in a bar. I had a job fair the next day that I was incredibly close to skipping because I figured no one would want to hire an idiot with a black eye. I last minute decided to just go for the experience (it was my first job fair). Talked to a guy at a booth for a sort of dream internship I wanted. Didn’t hear back for a few months, but then I got a call offering to have me come in for an interview. Got the job. That lead to meeting someone at the company who worked for a 3rd party consulting firm and was getting hired as a full time at that company, so he got me an interview at his consulting company to fill his spot. I got that job. That gave me the credentials and experience to eventually get my current job in my actual dream job. This was over the course of 10 years. I still look back on that night getting punched in the face and think about how different my life would be if I had decided to use a somewhat valid excuse not to suck it up and go anyway.

/r/AskReddit Thread