What can I do to make things right again?

I kind of agree on the validation part. When we first spoke she was acting strange, telling me how she's sending nudes to everyone and sent me some too. Next day I asked her what was up with that. She told me how she blocked everyone and felt gross after. She feels lonely all the time and said she wants someone to call her pretty everyday and then a go away. Though I asked her why she never blocked me and she said that she enjoys talking to me, also bragged how her block list is huge. A few days later, she had a mental breakdown and she was telling me how she is happier now that she is talking to me. I told her she could message me anytime and her excuse was weird (because I always initiate the convo). She said that "I don't want to be heartbroken and I'm waiting for you to ghost".

I know its bad treatment, but its like I feel like I failed in something that could've been great. It's all my fault, if I hadn't reacted so bad I wouldn't be here right now. Honestly I haven't felt this sad in such a long long time. Hence why I'm trying to mend things, like when you connect with someone you at least try to make it work or you never find it again, ever.

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