What childhood injustice still bothers you to this day?

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My school principal in 3rd grade questioning me about some incident that I was innocent of : "Just tell the truth and it will be ok, I'll believe you if you just tell the truth"

Eight year old me, scared but really happy to hear those reassuring words: 'I didn't do the thing'

Principal : 'I think you're lying, so we're gunna punish you or whatever'

Formative years me to myself : 'Holy shit, Grown-ups will just straight up lie to your face, I bet all these grown-ups are full of shit, I'm never going to forget this moment'

Me 20+ years later: Fuck the government, fuck the select group that pay off/tell the government what to do, I work a super chilled job with very little pressure as a medium cog in a medium small business to fill my bank accounts and keep my paper effigy flapping in the wind while growing weed in my spare room (rarely smoke it nowadays) so there's always cash coming in.

fuck you principal Knott

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