What is that controversy/rumor that happened/heard in your office?

TW: Domestic Violence

Worked at a place where two young people were dating and the guy was rumoured to be beating her up frequently.

She would have these blueish purple bruises all over her back and arms, then one day she had a black eye. For the eye she said she walked into the door. Rumours had already been circulating at that point but she apparently broke down to one friend who then escalated it to HR, but they declined to get involved.

Found out later that multiple employees had gone to HR to voice concerns but they said unless it came from her they could not investigate.

It was very bleak, she was sweet and kind and clearly needed some protection.

I left the organisation shortly after so not sure what happened to her but she does cross my mind often, hopefully she got the help she needed.

/r/AskReddit Thread