What is the craziest thing that ever happened at your school?

So one morning I'm walking to class. I notice everyone around me stop and look at their phones simultaneously. I look at mine, there's like 10 emergency texts giving live updates like "active shooter on campus, shooter now in front of Carpenter Hall, shooter now passing student union, etc."

I walk a little further up a hill to see if I can see anything, and the area in front of the student union, which is normally full of people walking around, was totally empty. Campus was like a ghost town. Then I heard the police sirens coming and I was like "Holy shit man...this is real." So I walk back to my car and take like an hour to evacuate cause everyone was trying to leave campus at the same time. Holy shit I've never seen worse traffic. But at least I didn't have to go to physics that day.

Turns out it was just some random attention-whore who didn't even have a gun. He told his friend he was going to shoot himself in class and that he had a gun in his bag, friend tells school staff, obviously school staff freaks out and tells college to send out alerts, dude gets scared and starts running around all over campus making himself look even more suspicious, guy gets arrested, allowed to come back to school 2 weeks later.

Then I had to spend a whole day telling worried relatives a very anticlimactic story.

/r/AskReddit Thread